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11-29-2018, 03:10 PM
In the Book of Knight & Ladies, if a Homeland has more that one religion listed (i.e. Salisbury has both British Christianity and Paganism) does the player get to choose?

I looked in K&L but didn't find an answer.

11-29-2018, 09:15 PM
In the Book of Knight & Ladies, if a Homeland has more that one religion listed (i.e. Salisbury has both British Christianity and Paganism) does the player get to choose?

You get to choose it in KAP 5.2, so why wouldn't you get to choose it when using BoK&L?

Mind you, I ALWAYS let the player to choose the religion, although I might be asking if he is sure he wishes to be Wotanic or Heathen in Salisbury... But in our campaign, we do have one Roman Family who are keeping Mithraic mysteries alive, in secret...

11-29-2018, 10:03 PM
You get to choose it in KAP 5.2, so why wouldn't you get to choose it when using BoK&L?

Thanks. I wasn't sure. I didn't see where the choice is given. I've only have 5.2 for a couple of weeks and still can find my way around in it yet. The content and order is the same as KAP5 but the "visual landmarks" are differernt so I can't find things in it as easily, yet.

Mind you, I ALWAYS let the player to choose the religion, although I might be asking if he is sure he wishes to be Wotanic or Heathen in Salisbury...

I have one player whose KAP1 character was Pagan and he is well aware of just how great +2 Healing Rate can be. Especially if the GMis running healing "by the book". He might be tempted by British Christianity with it's chivalric trait bonuses, but I would not be surprised if he goes Pagan again.

But in our campaign, we do have one Roman Family who are keeping Mithraic mysteries alive, in secret...

You wouldn't happen to have trait and religious bonuses for Mithraism, would you? I was working on adding that to my Roman stuff, and I'd certainly like to see what you got.

11-30-2018, 03:30 AM
In BoK&L, page 15, 1st column, The Homeland Tables, last sentence says, "The list there will tell you the predominant culture and religion." Book of Sires does the same in that regard. Predominant means the religion and culture that the majority belongs to. Agree with Morien in that a player can still choose, but if you choose a culture/religion not in the majority, you might have some problems with the locals. Good role-playing possibilities, in that the might be possible hostility.

11-30-2018, 03:38 AM
You wouldn't happen to have trait and religious bonuses for Mithraism, would you? I was working on adding that to my Roman stuff, and I'd certainly like to see what you got.

From a 2006 discussion on the WhiteWolf/Arthaus forums:


Mithraism is actually fairly easy to adapt to the Pendragon Virtues.Mithraism stressed fellowship and brotherliness and Mithra, was a divinity of fidelity, manliness, and bravery. He was also seen as a mediator. Mithraists were believed to be inclined towards asceticism and continence.

Breaking these down:
ascetism = Temperate
continence = Chaste
mediator = Just
fidelity = Honest

Now the only sticking point is whether to use Valorous as a religious trait or not. Judging by the fact that Sir Greg gives the religious virtues for 10 seperate religions in the GPC and never use Valorous, I'm inclined to follow suit.

One other fact about Mithraism is it was believed to tolerant of other cults and religions. In fact, Mithras worshippers were often members of other religions as well. This gives another option for the 5th and final Religious virtue: Worldly.

So we have Mithraism: Chaste, Honest, Just, Worldly, Temperate. As a religious benefit, again keeping with what Sir Greg has laid out, I would suggest +3 to Damage, +1 Healing, for no
reason other than it's a combination not given by any other religion listed. Also, since at this time it is supposed to be a secret cult, perhaps a directed trait of Deceitful (Mithraism) at +2d6 might be in order.

This is, of course, only my opinion, and your actual milage may vary.

There was also another version that IIRC was more polished, but I can't seem to find that file at the moment.


11-30-2018, 10:51 AM
You wouldn't happen to have trait and religious bonuses for Mithraism, would you? I was working on adding that to my Roman stuff, and I'd certainly like to see what you got.


This is what I ended up with:

Religious Traits: Chaste, Just, Temperate, Proud, Valorous. = two good, one bad for chivalric
Benefits: +1 Damage, +1 Healing Rate, +2 HP.

11-30-2018, 05:58 PM
Thanks guys.
Constantine merged Mithranism officially with Christianity. So there could by Mithran Chritianity in KAP, much like British Christianity.

I've got something in the works for the equally anachronistic (but still present) Romans, where rank in the cult improves promotion chances.