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View Full Version : New to Pendragon

Fox Abril
09-25-2009, 08:40 PM
I recently purchased copies of the Pendragon 5th Editon and the Great Pendragon Campaign from someone a the local hobby store who was selling his RPG Stuff (I got a great deal based upon what I saw on Ebay!!!).

So far I love the system and the campaign setting!!! Fantastic!!! I wish I found this years ago!

In any event - as an overall question about the GPC - do you all run it straight from the book or do you intersperse your own adventures here and there?
Do you make the the PC's go through the adventure in the main book prior to starting the GPC? (the adventure with the bear et al)

I know that this is not a yes or no question it is more trying to develope a feel for how others do it.

Oh and on an odd aside - does this game work SOLO?

09-25-2009, 09:38 PM
Quick answers coming up. Hope they help.

- We don't run it straight from the book. The book is more of a guideline for the major events and such of the campaign. We have two groups running; one is focused on a son of a baron from Gorre trying to get his now dead fathers land's back and the other is about a clan/family from the hills of Powys who are adventuring and searching for their family's heroic past. Both "campaigns" have a lot to do with the main plot of the GPC, but it serves as more of a backdrop than anything else.

- With one of the groups we started off at about when the Sword was drawn - the Gorre plot. The other took off when the characters were just kids during the Dark years between kings.

- Yes it does work solo (if you mean 1 GM-1 PC), bur I wouldn't recommend it. We've run it that way at times, and as single scenarios go, it's ok. But the whole campaign... nonono.


Greg Stafford
09-25-2009, 11:53 PM
Welcome aboard.
Your most excellent score of KAP5 and GPC is enough to almost make ME jealous! :-D

Others are far more instructive with details, and their own experiences, than I. Please, everyone, continue.

But one point.

In any event - as an overall question about the GPC - do you all run it straight from the book or do you intersperse your own adventures here and there?

I expect the GPC to provide 40-75% of the play material. Your choice.
The rest is by the GM, to respond to the inevitable strange things the PCs do.
It is set up as a training tool for itself. The early material is heavily scripted, but introduces loads of new material bit by bit.
Later, everything can be player-generated.


09-30-2009, 09:01 AM
Hi Fox,

Welcome aboard.

I started with the scenarios in the book as it nicely runs you through the system and a lot of events your players will encounter on a regular basis (court, hunting, fighting, and skirmish). I then went into the GPC.

I have stuck with the GPC 99% as I have found that there is so much content there is little need to wander of the main plot. Also you will find that you players will often do things that turn in adventures. Also there is the odd year (though very few) were things are quiet and then is a good time to introduce your own adventure.

I think it’s up to you other adventures can be slotted in, but remember it is already a very large campaign around 2 years!!!



09-30-2009, 09:26 AM
I think it’s up to you other adventures can be slotted in, but remember it is already a very large campaign around 2 years!!!

...or if your group meet as hopelessly as we do, it will be getting on towards 10 years of gameplay!

Let me add my welcome, and agree that there is so much in the GPC that it will either provide you with the material you need, or generate ideas you as a GM can follow with fairly little preparation as it also teaches you as you go.

Enjoy! We have ;D

09-30-2009, 04:54 PM
Fox Abril, I think there is a riskt that your campaign will becomer rather bland if yuo run it straigth from GPC. For a beer-and-pretzel kind of game it might work, but if you want moore than that, I would say that you should not only intersperse the odd adventure or two, but also try to have a storyline or two revoling around the PCs. Give them there own things to do, and use the main story as a backdrop to that, rather than the otherway around.

I think noir have some good ideas. My own GPC campaing revolves around the struggle over a part of Jagent. The players, mostly brohters and half brothers and cousins, tries to reconquer their grandpas barony which was split up, partly lost to Faerie, during the dark times of Vortigern.

09-30-2009, 05:43 PM
I agree with Skarp some personal stories are a good idea and we have had one or 2.

I do strongly disagree the GPC is bland, the first period you are led by the hand and have little choice in what you get involved in and a lot of the outcomes are already preordained, but this is the intention. The Uther period is to the gentle warm up to learn the system and get established.

Once the Anarchy period comes it really opens up and the world is your Oyster.

Also I left a lot of the side adventures to the players if I throw something and they chose to pursue it so be it. If the ignore it and stick to the main plot let them.