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View Full Version : Horse/Armor Prices

11-18-2009, 05:22 PM
In the GPC it is clearly stated that horses and armor become more cheaper, but it is nowhere mentioned how much cheaper.
Does armor actually get cheaper?
There is a mention in the 'Tournament Period Adventures', page 311, about a Destrier being 8L and a Frisian 32L
And 14-point armor 10L, with 16-point armor 14L.. but no mention of the other prices.
What I am looking for a per GPC year the price of a certain kind of horse and armor (and its availability).
(The general price increase after the plague and grail quest make sense to me, but a destrier going from 8L to 32L in the years 539-540, is a bit too steep, so I except a slow yearly decline in price).
