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View Full Version : Chivalry checks

11-19-2009, 12:17 PM
If a knight allows an knightly opponent to re-arm, re-mount or get up (without attacking him while doing so), in which traits should he get a check for being so chivalrous (Generous, but that refers mostly to wealth??)?


Greg Stafford
11-19-2009, 02:28 PM
If a knight allows an knightly opponent to re-arm, re-mount or get up (without attacking him while doing so), in which traits should he get a check for being so chivalrous

Forgiving, if he also overcomes a Hate or other passion of some sort.

(Generous, but that refers mostly to wealth??)?

Correct. It would be inappropriate here.


Master Dao Rin
11-19-2009, 10:02 PM
Actually, for my table and players, this is the expected norm - thus, no checks.

If they DON'T do this, then they get checks (in the opposite traits Greg mentions).

11-30-2009, 05:31 PM
My table is more like Gregs. I generally gave Merciful, and hadn't thought of also giving Honour but it makes a lot of sense.

I don't give negative checks if the player *doesn't* allow an enemy to rearm or whatever, because it's the accepted behaviour to keep fighting no matter what. Chivalrous behaviour, and highly honourable behaviour, are highly respected - but most knights are too practical and sensible to follow it when their lives are on the line :)

12-22-2009, 06:54 PM
of course that is why u should get checks in merciful, honor, etc...... because u are letting an opponent continue putting your life at risk for the sake of fair play. perhaps to mediate the checks and stop any abuse you could give a chivalrous knight his checks ONLY when he is TRULY threatened with an opponent that is at least as powerful as himself. If a great knight like gawaine lets a 21 year old player knight that is really NO threat to him pick up his weapon should he get a merciful or an honor check? No probably not ( though maybe a courtesy check is in order). But if gawaine is fighting sir percival ( or another powrful round table knight if u like)and allows him to retrieve a weapon then YES he should get a merciful or honor check, because its quite possible that percival can hurt gawaine and is a very substantial threat. After all even if u arent killed by a knight he still has a chance of criticaling u and doing a major wound with the weapon u hand him back, or whatever. As long as that knight is realitively as experienced as u you should get a nice check. And anyone who lets lancelot pick his sword up should get merciful, honor, courtesy, and probably crazy too. ;D