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View Full Version : Alternate House Rules: Rolls

01-08-2010, 05:18 PM
In order to improve them for my campaign and to share with my fellow Pendragon brethren here I'm going to throw out a series of house rules. Some have been used in my game since KAP3, others are brand new and are borrowed from others. I have been using all sorts of alternatives (yes, I'm a tinkerer) but here I'm going to concentrate on getting together a new set for my current KAP5 campaign. Everything is in the format of what I'm compiling to a printable PDF for my players (which I'm happy to share when finished). Please enlighten the thread with comments, thoughts and suggestion. No rules are set in stone, and some aren't fully thought through yet. So bring it on!

Chance=Skillvalue+*allmodifiers(i.e.whatyourollaga inst).

Rollof1: Fumble,rollagain.Ifitisabove1/2Chanceitsamajorfumble.
Rollof[Chance*1]: NormalSuccess,butrollagain.IfitisChanceorloweritis aSpecial.
Rollof[Chance]: Special,rollagain.IfitisChanceorloweritisaCritical .
Rollof20: Ouch!Wasteda20andjustbarelymissed.Rollagain.Ifitis Chanceorlower

Note:WhenChance=1,arollof1isstillafumble,butarollo f20canstillbeapartialsuccess.


NaturalRollof1: Failure,rollagain.Ifitisabove1/2chanceitsaFumble.
NaturalRollof2: Partial*success,nobonusfromchanceabove20
NaturalRollof20: Critical
Modifiedrollof19+: Special,rollagain.IfitisbelowhalfchanceitisaCritic al.


• Criticalwinsagainstanythingelse,andalwaystiesanoth ercritical(asusual).Damageis
doubled.WhentwoopponentsbothgetaCritical,theyeacht ake1d6damage,withoutarmor
• Specialistreatedlikenormal,butcountsas+5vsnon*spec ialresultanddamageisx1.5(any


AtGM'sdiscretion:IfbothcombatantshaveChanceover20, reducetheskillsbyequalnumbersothat
thelowerwillbe20.Thus,skills24and22become22and20.T hiscameaboutwheninspirationand
soforthmeantthatpeopleeasilyhadskillsapproachingan dbeyond30.

Example:LetsassumeaChanceof29,wherearollof11+isacr it,thatis,50%oftherolls,whichis
fineagainstrabbleandlesserenemies,butiftwocombatan tshavethat,theycanceleachotherout,and
inthiscaselesseramountofCriticals=quickerandbetter resolution.

01-11-2010, 03:11 PM
No comments...?

Note the streamlining of die rolls, all work the same (and always good to roll 20) + that the skill has become relative to chance for both fumble and critical.

I know, I know... its kinda like heresy and messing with the lords good book. But I would have expected to at least get shot down for it :)