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View Full Version : Amor & Flirting

02-11-2010, 04:29 PM
One of my players is a pagan knight with 19 APP, family trait +15 flirting (skill 17), and 16+ Lustful.. so he is quite the ladies man, critting a lot of flirting rolls which he uses to get his checks in lustful (if you catch my drift).
Now he claims he can have a passion Amor, since that's all chaste and knightly, and still beds/flirts every other woman he meets, since that is completely unrelated...
Now in modern psychology, bedding a lot of women because you cant get the one you actually want, doesnt sound too unbelievable, but does it fit KAP?
And if it does, how would it affect his Amor (given the double standard of the time, not much I assume).


02-11-2010, 07:21 PM
They are different things, so yes, the player is right. The knight might well act on his lust with other women and try to stay chaste with his lady.

Two problems though.

First, the lady he is courting won't take kindly to him being with other girls, and her displeasure can cause him real problems. Real problems. If she has any passion for him, and finds out about it, that passion will drop, and he will find it harder and harder to prove himself to her. She may get angry at him - and if he has a 16+ passion, and she tells him she never wants to see him again (even in the heat of the moment) that can cause severe distress and maybe even Shock (free mortal wound effect).
Furthermore, she might try to extract promises to never sleep with other women, giving him 'opportunities' to test Honesty, or oppose Lustful v his Amour. She might get him to make public declarations of his fathfulness to her, giving opportunities to be accused of breaking his word when he backslides, possibly losing Honour too.

Second: If it's in the time of true Courtly Romance, there are expectations of behaviour. If he wants to get the glory for it, he would need to pay careful attention to those.

Counterpoint: Gawaine is a fine romantic knight, and look at his Lustful.

However, if it's in the time of courtly romance tcourtly romance

02-11-2010, 07:54 PM
The year is 534.
The player flirts openly (its a courtly skill after all), but keeps his 'conquests' very discrete (especially when they are Ducal daughters :)


03-09-2010, 06:58 AM
Also this player might see his high lustful skill as meaning he beds down with a bunch of different ladies. That does not need to be so. It could very well be with one lady and he could still be a real horndog. High lustful doesnt always equate to more booty!!!!!!!!!!!! :D