View Full Version : BoM: Retinue
02-15-2010, 10:53 AM
Minor question on retinue/squires, when during the winter phase is their skill increased? I assume "Undergo training & Experience"
And when does retinue retire? If you start in 485 then 3 generations of player knight later the poor retinue will be ancient and but have ~28 skill.. (The random event: "One of your retinues dies" is too rare to take care of this).
Perhaps also add a 19-20 chance for each retinue (similar esquires)?
Sir Pramalot
02-15-2010, 11:36 AM
It's not a watertight rule, but if one of my PKs lives long enough and/or retires I assume his retinue retire/disband with him. Or I just look at their ages every so often and make a call on when they would probably think about giving up the day job.
02-15-2010, 11:59 AM
The wise old advisor that also served your father is such a cliche in literature that I believe retinue should be retained along generations. And I dont think my players will look kindly at them if you say : "You know, I think that 28 skill steward is getting too old"
Sir Pramalot
02-15-2010, 12:24 PM
The wise old advisor that also served your father is such a cliche in literature that I believe retinue should be retained along generations. And I dont think my players will look kindly at them if you say : "You know, I think that 28 skill steward is getting too old"
I'm sure they wouldn't but you can't change the laws of biology. You could say "You know, I think that 75 year old Steward with a skill of 28 is getting a bit too old for this. In fact, he's dead!" :)
Honestly, I think this is just down to what feels right for your game. If you worry too much about the exact age/death date of your retinue then soon you'll be wondering whether they are married, have kids, become knights, etc etc,. Fine if you have the time, but it's a lot of work.
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