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View Full Version : BotM: Common house

Sir Pramalot
03-02-2010, 07:08 PM
I'd like to just check the ruling for the common house, p.17 is correct because at present, it seems to be a very cheap way to reduce Hate Landlord. The structure costs 1.5L and each one built gives a -1 Hate Landlord. Compare that with the usual spend of £10 to reduce HL or other structures which do likewise and it's a very cheap alternative. Bridges and Roads are self limiting, but with 500+ peasants you can keep building houses almost indefinitely.

03-02-2010, 08:12 PM
Building common strictures doesn't reduce the Hate Landlord unless you are rebuilding structures that were destroyed. So all you would really end up doing is to reduce the Hste Landlord by the point that it went up when the house was destroyed. (See BoM page 16 under Common Structures).

Developments (BoM page 17-18), on the other hand, are extras that manors don't normally have, and you can build then to lower the Hate Landlord (even to below zero). The wooden bridge is a bargain (2L, -1HL), and even the Smithy (15L, -3HL) is a pretty good deal.

Greg Stafford
03-02-2010, 09:37 PM
Building common strictures doesn't reduce the Hate Landlord unless you are rebuilding structures that were destroyed. So all you would really end up doing is to reduce the Hate Landlord by the point that it went up when the house was destroyed. (See BoM page 16 under Common Structures).

So it is actually a much worse deal, over all.
And no, minimaxers, you an not rebuild a village one house at a time.

03-02-2010, 10:01 PM
And no, minimaxers, you an not rebuild a village one house at a time.

Well, I can imagine that sometimes you might have to: one house this year, one house the next, etc. while you can afford it.
But doing that means that you still need to deal with the remaining hate over a longer term - building a few bigger structures gets rid of it quicker, which is better.