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View Full Version : what areas would you most like materials to be set in?

06-23-2010, 12:50 AM
As scenarios and even settings are produced, what areas of Britian and its surroundings would you most like to see material set in? Be as broad or specific as you wish!!!! :)

06-23-2010, 09:28 AM
As a Fen boy myself, I'd like to see more material based on the Cambridgeshire Fens around the Isle of Ely - I'm sure there is many a tale to be told here with strange paths through the marshes, tons of faerie folk lore and of course the resistance movement. Perhaps one day when I have time, I should write it!

06-23-2010, 08:56 PM
As a Fen boy myself, I'd like to see more material based on the Cambridgeshire Fens around the Isle of Ely - I'm sure there is many a tale to be told here with strange paths through the marshes, tons of faerie folk lore and of course the resistance movement. Perhaps one day when I have time, I should write it!

Awesome.Is that in Anglia area? my Uk geogrophy not the best!!?? :D

06-24-2010, 09:31 AM
Near enough, its just to the left of Anglia, the neighbouring county.

06-24-2010, 05:28 PM
Near enough, its just to the left of Anglia, the neighbouring county.

Very cool! On a similar subject do you have the pendragon supplement Blood and Lust? I believe, if memory serves, which it doesnt always!, that it details that area. It might have a little on the area you are talking about? Not sure.

06-24-2010, 07:20 PM
Blood and Lust is based around Anglia, and includes an excellent adventure and some wonderful beasties. Beware Old Shuck!

06-24-2010, 11:17 PM
I think when I get time after I get back from Afghanistan I'm going to develop something based on Wales from say the time of Hastings to Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Or at least from Llywelyn the Great to Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. I end at Llywelyn ap Gruffydd because he is the last Prince of an independent Wales. A campaign set in this time would have everything from power politics (I mean, Llywelyn the Great married John's natural daughter and was instrumental in having John sign the Magna Carta) to ambushes and sieges, infighting, brother fighting brother, and ending with the horrific way Edward killed Llywelyn's brother. God, you gotta real, live history!

06-25-2010, 09:38 AM
Near enough, its just to the left of Anglia, the neighbouring county.

Very cool! On a similar subject do you have the pendragon supplement Blood and Lust? I believe, if memory serves, which it doesnt always!, that it details that area. It might have a little on the area you are talking about? Not sure.

It touches on it, but its emphasis is on Anglia, with not so much on the Fens. Great supplement though!

07-04-2010, 06:37 AM
Why not a few adventures in France. The Brocéliande forest, for example if full of great legends that could inspire great adventures in Pendragon!

07-04-2010, 06:37 PM
ooo yes. Brittany in fact was one area I wanted a lot more detail on during my longest campaign, since it has very close ties to Arthur's Britain.

Greg Stafford
07-05-2010, 02:06 AM
France is the one place for which I have gotten a volunteer who wants to do the book.

that is, it in in te works, long-term.
More details when there ARE details.

07-05-2010, 06:44 PM
I think when I get time after I get back from Afghanistan I'm going to develop something based on Wales from say the time of Hastings to Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Or at least from Llywelyn the Great to Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. I end at Llywelyn ap Gruffydd because he is the last Prince of an independent Wales. A campaign set in this time would have everything from power politics (I mean, Llywelyn the Great married John's natural daughter and was instrumental in having John sign the Magna Carta) to ambushes and sieges, infighting, brother fighting brother, and ending with the horrific way Edward killed Llywelyn's brother. God, you gotta real, live history!

I'm just about to run my knights through an adventure based upon the legend of Llywelyn and Gelert, his faithful hound: http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/Wales-History/Beddgelert.htm