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View Full Version : Character Generation

07-09-2010, 09:41 AM
Ok, so I'm a day late with this - sorry!

Attached is a Battle Character Sheet for you to use (if you can't see the attachement, you can also download it from here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6694132/Battle%20Sheet.pdf - right click and save as...). This cuts out the stuff that you don't really need to keep it simple. You're all Cymric knights and so have Spear Expertise instead of separate Lance and Spear scores (form Book of Knights and Ladies)

Create your character using this quick method (used something similar at Continuum):

1) Choose a name for your character. You're all knights, so Sir is applicable!
2) Leave Lord blank for now
3) Armour: roll 1d6 to randomly assign. 1-3=chainmail+shield (12+6 armour), 4-6=partial plate+shield (14+6 armour)
4) CON / STR / SIZ = 2d6+6 (min. of 12)
5) Work out derived stats
6) Skills: your skills are all 14 + 1d6, make one 20
7) Horse: roll to determine randomly. 1-3=Charger (6d6 damage), 4-5=Andalusian (7d6 damage), 6=Destrier (8d6 damage)
8 ) Passions: 2d6+6 (min 12) for each. We'll assign a Lord name later for your loyalty Lord (top one) and a specific unit type for your final hate passion later (bottom one)

You have a sword, 5 spears (you have one, your squires the rest).
Your spare horse is one below your current - ie. if you have a Destrier, your squire can bring you an Andalusian. If you have a Charger, your spare is a Courser (5d6)

The Battle is set in the Romance Period, and is a clash between local lords and rebel Saxons from the Fens and Anglia assisted by others.

Shout if any of that doesn't make sense. It should create reasonably competent characters without the time normally used to create whole characters from scratch.

07-09-2010, 11:01 AM
Forgot to add, once you're done, post an outline of your stats in the Characters thread: http://www.gspendragon.com/roundtable/index.php?topic=849.0

07-09-2010, 11:20 AM
6) Skills: your skills are all 14 + 1d6, make one 20

If you roll a 20 (ie 14 + 6), do you still promote a skill to 20?


07-09-2010, 11:24 AM
If you roll a 20 (ie 14 + 6), do you still promote a skill to 20?

Fair question - I added the make one 20 last minute (didn't do that at Continuum). Why not - why should anyone be penalized for having good luck!

07-09-2010, 04:01 PM
Sex is also 2d6+6 I assume?

Edit: oops, that was supposed to be Dex!

07-11-2010, 05:41 PM
Can I make a Saxon knight?

I have a player who wants to play one, and I'd like to see how much impact the 2H weapon and lack of shield makes.

Also, since we lack traits, does that mean that attempting to rein in a high passion won't be permitted?

07-12-2010, 10:55 AM
Sex is also 2d6+6 I assume?

Edit: oops, that was supposed to be Dex!


07-12-2010, 10:56 AM
Can I make a Saxon knight?

I have a player who wants to play one, and I'd like to see how much impact the 2H weapon and lack of shield makes.

Also, since we lack traits, does that mean that attempting to rein in a high passion won't be permitted?

Ok, go for it - adjust your sheet as you see fit.
Traits? I guess we could add them as we go along if needed - it was more a case of trying to keep things simple. By all means add them if you want to.

07-14-2010, 04:30 AM
Has this started yet? Still looking for players? what sort of posting frequency are you expecting?

07-14-2010, 09:36 AM
Hi Darren - no, we've not started yet, so if you want to join in, nows the time! We're looking at posting every other day during Monday - Friday (weekends I'm busy so post, but I may not respond immediately). Rules for a quick and easy character gen at the top of this thread, with another thread to post them in.


07-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Cool, that posting rate looks fine. I'll design and post my character later tonight.

07-18-2010, 03:14 PM
Quick Question,

I did not add Cultural mod into stats. Do we need to?


07-18-2010, 03:16 PM
Quick Question,

I did not add Cultural mod into stats. Do we need to?


No - the idea was to keep it quick and easy.