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View Full Version : Being Rescued By A Squire

07-09-2010, 11:13 AM
So a knight gets whacked by a critical and lies unconscious on the battlefield, but he has a competant squire who pulls him from the fray and gets him slung over a horse during the squire phase.

If he was wealthy enough to support multiple squires, could the second squire take the reins and run for it in the same round?

If not, then they have to wait until the end of next round before they can evacuate their master - what consequences do they risk by remaining with their knight's unit? Do they have to fight? Does another knight in the unit have to fight the downed knight's opponent?


07-10-2010, 02:40 AM
I dont think he has to evacuate at all actually. My understanding is that if the squire makes the roll , then he can ride double with the knight ( not wise due to the modifiers ) , or the squire can give the knight his steed , and the battle continues as normal ( though the squire is lost for the duration). I believe this is how it goes, but ive been wrong before.

Greg Stafford
07-10-2010, 04:22 AM
So a knight gets whacked by a critical and lies unconscious on the battlefield, but he has a competant squire who pulls him from the fray and gets him slung over a horse during the squire phase.

If he was wealthy enough to support multiple squires, could the second squire take the reins and run for it in the same round?

Nice idea, but no.
However, on the next round I'd grant a +5 bonus for each additional squire that's there for the Squire Retreat

If not, then they have to wait until the end of next round before they can evacuate their master - what consequences do they risk by remaining with their knight's unit? Do they have to fight? Does another knight in the unit have to fight the downed knight's opponent?

I'd count him as a knight, in the "each knight present fights a melee round" section, so that the squire would have to dodge (with the -5 modifier, and NOT getting bonus for other squires) or another knight would have to intervene. After all, that unconscious knight looks like an easy ransom! Or kill.

07-12-2010, 08:51 PM
I dont think he has to evacuate at all actually. My understanding is that if the squire makes the roll , then he can ride double with the knight ( not wise due to the modifiers ) , or the squire can give the knight his steed , and the battle continues as normal ( though the squire is lost for the duration). I believe this is how it goes, but ive been wrong before.
My fault. I decided not to look at the part where u said the knight was unconscious!! lol