View Full Version : Questions on manor improvements and raiding
I, and, my players are a bit confused on a couple rules regarding manor improvements and characters raiding during the winder phase. I'd appreciate any help on this, especially Greg's.
First, is it possible to build multiple examples of the same improvement, if so are benefits cumulative?
For example does building 2 apiaries grant a -2 to weather? Does building 2 gazebos grant 2 rolls for flirting?
Also, given the expanded rules for raiding given on Greg's website, and I may be reading the rules wrong here, it seems that characters can easily double or even triple their income by raiding, pillaging, and plundering during the winter phase. Is this accurate? Is anything special required to raid beyond the knight and his squire?
03-17-2009, 06:55 PM
First question.... You can not make two of the same improvement. Well you can but they do not stack.
Second question.....If u raid there are two potential problems. #1. If you don't spend a majority of the year at your manor then you will not be there when someone raids you, And There are rules in BoM that state that if you are not there at least 50% of the year you have penalties to your manor income rolls. So if u do an adventure that year u must be careful not to stay gone raiding too long.
Last...... If u raid or pillage u get Librum, but at the cost of taking negative skill checks. You might get a 1d3 L in goods for a cruel, arbitrary, etc... So you will not have an easy time getting chivalry and religious bonus'. ,You will be wealthy but u might incur a negative reputation.
Greg Stafford
03-17-2009, 09:14 PM
I've limited this to one subject.
First, is it possible to build multiple examples of the same improvement, if so are benefits cumulative?
My first reaction was, "No, only one."
then I looked at my own Medlarwood ( where I've got 3 Medlar orchards. Hm, maybe it is OK, sometimes.
For example does building 2 apiaries grant a -2 to weather?
I thought, "How silly that would be," and then, "well, maybe under some circumstances, with a cap. How many beehives could exist on a manor anyway?"
Does building 2 gazebos grant 2 rolls for flirting?
I thought, "Well, sure, if he had different girl friends for each one."
And thought, "what if a lover wanted to build several secret places to meet his lover? He'd not get Glory for it? He'd not get checks for it?"
And I thought, "what if a player wanted to have, say, ten apiaries in my campaign, or a manor with six fishponds each with a coneygarth in the center?" Would I deny that?
Nah, I'd laugh every time he made another one. We all would.
So, in the interest of game fun, I'd say now that you CAN build multiple items.
That said, the rules do designate some items that are NOT possible to build (Mill, for instance). Use Gamemaster sense!
03-18-2009, 09:53 AM
I think common sense rules this one, take the bees for instance. The bee's in the first apiary are going to act the same as the ones in the second, there is not additional information, so no bonus.
AP1 Bee "buuuuzzzzzzzzzz" translated "A lovely sunny morning, but clouds and light rain in the afternoon"
AP2 Bee "Buzzz" yeah I concur.
Also money is just a laugh, yeah it helps in certain areas and some of the modifiers for being poor are a pain, but on the whole I wouldn't let it run your game.
03-18-2009, 11:27 AM
Book of the Manor has under Manorial Improvements structures broken down into various categories. They are common structures, developments, manorial buildings, fortifications, enhancements, investments, and religious donations.
On page 38, under the Narrative Economic System, specifically in Manorial Improvements, the text reads, "...may simply spend the money for an Enhancement...". A couple of the more "well, the book says..." crowd have pointed out that only Enhancements are available under this simpler system.
My question, is this true? If not using the entire system, are only enhancements and enhancements only available?
Greg Stafford
03-19-2009, 04:27 AM
My question, is this true? If not using the entire system, are only enhancements and enhancements only available?
GMs should ask themselves this: is this within my bounds of an acceptable Pendragon reality? Do I want to cope with this? Is it good for the player for the game? Is it amusing? Entertaining? Fun?
03-19-2009, 10:49 AM
GMs should ask themselves this: is this within my bounds of an acceptable Pendragon reality? Do I want to cope with this? Is it good for the player for the game? Is it amusing? Entertaining? Fun?
I'd say this is a good answer to every question asked here! ;D
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