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View Full Version : Starting in Cameliard 485?

Cam Banks
11-27-2010, 07:54 PM
Hi all,

I'm starting a new Pendragon campaign in Uther's time, but I wanted to do something different. The player knights will be from Cameliard or perhaps Lambor or the City of Legions, and will serve in King Leodegrance's court. I've seen some stories of folks playing Pendragon in this region before, and the GPC touches on it with Ryons and visiting the little Guenevere, but ideally I'd like more information about the region from somebody who's had some time playing with it.

I'll be using the GPC for my timeline, might introduce Merlin's "twin sister" Ganeida to the story as well. Visit Sarum and adventure with the High King, but then return to support Leodegrance through the Interregnum. I figured introducing Leodegrance to his future wife (and mother of Guenevere) would be cool, as well as giants of Cambria, the old Roman forts along Watling Street like Wall (isn't this Carohaise?) and Pendridge. And then there's Leodegrance's fathering of Geneivre with his seneschal's wife.

So, ideas? Resources? I own every KAP book, including all the new ones Greg has released independently. Love to know if there's stuff I should be focusing on, differences I might use to kick of the game, etc.


11-27-2010, 08:07 PM

Do you want to try using my Previous Generation for Cambria? If so, are you using any Irish tribal characters or just knight characters?


Cam Banks
11-27-2010, 08:12 PM
I might give the players the option, but really I'm hoping they'd all essentially be Cymri of the marches, sort of proto-Mercians (in the same way that many other historically Anglo-Saxon or Norman traits have been applied to the Cymri of Pendragon). They're going to be Leodegrance's best knights, but their backgrounds and homelands can be from surrounding lands so long as they're loyal to Cameliard.


11-27-2010, 11:22 PM

I'll be using the GPC for my timeline, might introduce Merlin's "twin sister" Ganeida to the story as well.

I find any use of the little-known Ganieda appealing; best wishes on incorporating her.