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View Full Version : Seeking Additional Player(s) for online GPC

Russell Deneault
12-28-2010, 05:35 AM
Russell's Great Pendragon Campaign is seeking more players to join our established group.

We play online at http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc using
* Forums (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1)
* Wiki (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-index.php)
* and a custom-made Pendragon dice roller (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/pendragondice.php)

I am the gamemaster for the group (if it wasn't obvious) and we have 3 active players (with an additional inactive, but possibly returning member). All current players have been recruited from this board, and they are all fantastic gamers. Location isn't important, scattered across several hemispheres already.

We are looking for one, or maybe even two additional members to join us in the game. We started about a year ago and have progressed to the year 497 in-game. Posting on the forum is a roughly daily affair, but nobody looks askance if someone steps away for a few days on occasion (including myself as the GM). We ask that players be at least fairly comfortable with the Pendragon system.

Please take a look at the website if you're interested. You can see almost everything we've done in the game; most of it is in the forums. If you think you'd be a good fit with the group, tell me here or in a private message and we'll talk.

12-28-2010, 07:46 PM
Russ, sorry that I've been totally consumed with work. That's likely going to happen for a couple more months. I'd love to return to the game when I can.

For those of you considering playing... do it! Its fun and the group puts together interesting, three dimensional characters.

Sir Gwarddur
12-29-2010, 12:09 AM
Hi Russ,

I am very interested in joining the campaign. My employer recently announced that they are shutting down my business unit so daily participation should not be a problem. Please tell me more!


Russell Deneault
12-29-2010, 08:21 AM
Eric, you will always be welcomed to rejoin us at your leisure. I would love to see Sir Simon's dramas unfold.

Sir Gwarddur, does that mean more time at work or unemployment? If it's the latter, I'm sorry to hear that! What experience do you have with Pendragon and with gaming online? The best thing I can do to tell you more is to point you to some of our recent activity
* Here is our main thread for the year 497 (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1). Our knights are struggling with defending their local manors, supporting the Countess Ellen as she holds the county's seat of power for her young son Robert, hating on the Saxon princes that keep arriving to demand silver and cattle, and now they are exploring the enchanted Forest Savauge.
* Sir Heward (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-index.php) was the sole PC survivor of the Battle of St. Albans. His player recently returned to us and during the in-game absence, Heward was traveling abroad in search of riches. Instead he only returned with fantastical stories and outrageous claims (mostly true, but nobody believes him).
* Sir Kail (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-index.php?page=Kail) is a young pagan knight that is recently embroiled in a bitter dispute with another knight of Salisbury over the murder of his squire/brother where a local priest was accused of burning the man alive.
* Sir Antonitus (http://www.russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-index.php?page=Antonitus) is a young Silchester knight sent to Salisbury to establish a relationship between nobility. He's a classic Roman knight, but is quickly growing to love Salisbury where he cares for the family of a man he never met (his deceased PC).

If you look that over and still want to play with us, contact me at russell.deneault@gmail.com and we'll talk things over. We'll discuss a few things before I invite you to the game, but I'm not a ball-buster or anything :D

01-21-2011, 10:11 AM
Hey Russell, you still looking for new players? I was involved in an online RQ game, but it seems to have stuttered to a halt. Can't guarantee everyday posting, especially around Fri-Sun, but am sure could contribute reasonably frequently. Never get to play Pendragon, only run it, and so it would make a fun change.

Primo Cavaliere
01-21-2011, 10:21 AM
I got any word on the decision of Russell, but let me say that it would be an honour to have Merlin playing with us! :o

Russell Deneault
01-21-2011, 10:49 AM
Merlin, we are currently at five players (maybe six, if I hear from a new player that hasn't been on the boards recently). I have asked for some input on adding another chair to our table. I think you would be a fantastic addition, but I want to make sure the players are comfortable with our growth.

I will let you know as soon as I get some feedback.

01-21-2011, 11:07 AM
Merlin, we are currently at five players (maybe six, if I hear from a new player that hasn't been on the boards recently). I have asked for some input on adding another chair to our table. I think you would be a fantastic addition, but I want to make sure the players are comfortable with our growth.

I will let you know as soon as I get some feedback.

Don't be awkward if the feeling is that you have enough! I won't be offended by a no. :)

Russell Deneault
01-21-2011, 11:28 AM
Don't worry, I'm not so shy I can't say no when I want to! :D

I really will base my decision on current-player input.

Primo Cavaliere
08-30-2011, 05:11 PM
Hello to everyone!

We are again searching for new players.
We are playing the 501 year, in the middle of the most intriguing and chaotic years of the Great Pendragon Campaign!

Plese, if interested, post here or contact me via PM.

Primo Cavaliere

09-05-2011, 09:05 PM
Primo, are you still seeking additional players? I'm interested in taking a look, and I suspect a few of my players from Myth-Weavers might be interested, 'though MW does not allow cross-board advertisment, so I wouldn't be able to make a general post.

Primo Cavaliere
09-15-2011, 09:34 AM
Hello Pyske,

I'd love to be able to answer yes to you. But with the last two players added we reached the awesome number of 7.

If something change I will contact you to see if you are still interested.

Best wishes


09-15-2011, 08:56 PM
No worries, thanks for the consideration. I'm managing to keep relatively busy with my own GPC, but please do drop me a line if you wind up with openings.

10-12-2011, 10:53 AM
Been involved in this game for a while now, and just thought I'd post to say what a wonderful experience it has been so far. Like all online games, pbem or forum, it has intense periods and periods when it slows down, but I have found the experience of playing Pendragon online utterly compelling. Thanks to the other players and the GMs we've had. If folks have wondered about playing Pendragon online, but been put off because it is not face to face, all I'd say is don't be. It's different from face to face, but still more than worth the time.

Primo Cavaliere
12-07-2011, 11:15 AM
I was contacted by three players, almost all coming from this forum, to join our group of players.

They are BaseFive, Greylond and Sir Killbeggar.

Please, we are ready to start and to introduce you into play... but I need you to get your knights ready and to send a life-signal post on the play forum, which is http://russelldeneault.com/gpc/tiki-index.php

I'll wait until the 15th of December, then I'll start seeking new players or getting the ones which are in the stand-by list into play.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Thank you very much

12-15-2011, 08:09 PM
Primo, please add me to your "stand-by list" if that's okay. I've played many systems PbP before and posting every day is rarely an issue. Whether soon or a year from now I'm sure I'll still be interested. Thanks!

Lamorak de Gales
03-27-2012, 02:33 PM
Hi there,

if there is still an opening, I would like to join too.

Primo Cavaliere
05-18-2012, 04:26 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm sorry to see that I came at least two months late!

If there is someone still interested, please tell, I'll try to keep an eye on the forum more often.

Thank you a lot.


Joel Britton
09-18-2012, 08:28 PM
I'm interested in playing if you ever need more. When I found the game I read the entire archives in a couple of days, and I've been following it ever since. I'd love to join.

Primo Cavaliere
09-25-2012, 09:09 AM
Hello Joel,

I will be very happy to let you join.
Please, send me via PM, your email address, so that I can start introducing you in the group.
Best regards