Arthur Claims the Throne of Britain

Written by Greg Stafford
Patrons Of The Arts: Roderick and Ellen Robertson
Editor: Sam Shirley
Cover Design: Sam Shirley
Cover Artwork: Stephen King
Copy Reading: Britt Daniel
Layout: Sam Shirley, Shannon Appel
Interior Artwork: Arnie Swekel
Whispering Path, Strangore, Roman War, Saxon War, Post Roman And Event Maps: Kevin Zucker Celtic Decorations, Shields, Where They Live, London, Camelot, And Forest Sauvage Maps: Gus diZerega
Contributors: Britt Daniel, William Dunn, Katherine Kerr, Michael Trout
Fourth Edition Conversions: Roderick Robertson
- Introduction
- Character Generation
- Britain Before Arthur
- Phase 1: Anarchy
- Battles and Sieges
- Phase 2: Unification
- The Adventure of the Castle of Joy
- Phase 3: Consolidation
- Cities
- Chronology After 531
- The Main Characters
- Appendices