- Introductory Notes
- The Adventure of the Spectre King
- The Royal Family (illustration)
- Vortimer’s Doomsaying (background)
- Roestoc (map)
- Sir Colbert (illustration)
- The Spectre King’s Origin (background)
- The Abbey of La Beale Adventure
- The Abbey of La Beale Adventure (map)
- The Spectre King (illustration)
- Awards
- The Adventure of the Werewolf
- Sir Guaire faces the wolf (illustration)
- What the guests say
- The Battle with Sire Guaire (illustration)
- Awards
- The Adventure of the Ghost Knight
- The wyrm emerges (illustration)
- Lady Ann and a suitor (illustration)
- Ghost Knight adventure (map)
- Old Skinny (illustration)
- The Ghost Lance
- Awards
- Cambridge
- Cambridge (map)
- Attending College
- A Chronology or Pendragon Cambridge
- Bachelor Program Requirements
- The Adventure of the Helmed Knight
- The Helmed Knight at the fountain
- The Helmed Knight (illustration)
- Wensleydale and Environs (map)
- The bowl of blood (illustration)
- Awards
- The Adventure of the Horned Boar
- Lady Alba in Distress (illustration)
- Westgate and environs (map)
- The Horned Boar (illustration)
- The Battle of Westgate
- Awards
- The Adventure of the White Horror
- The Priory Gatehouse (Illustration)
- Churchyard (illustration)
- Maglac’s Brew
- Maglac (illustration)
- Fallen by the way (illustration)
- Aylesford (illustration)
- Aylesford and Environs (map)
- Kit’s Coty (illustration)
- Awards
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