Written by Greg Stafford
Unit Commanders: Darren Hill, Malcolm Wolter
With special help from: Nick Tolimieri, Robert G. Schroeder, Andrew Williams, Dr. J.M. “Thijs” Krijger, Ben Quant, Roberto Mandrioli, Zev Trubowitch
Editing: Malcolm Wolter, Magnus Olofsson Proofing: Stewart Wieck, Tish Wolter
Design and Layout: Malcolm Wolter Maneuver art, maps: David Zeeman, Malcolm Wolter Feudal army and battle flags art: Fergie All other photos, pictures and illustrations are from royalty-free sources, such as DoverPictura.com, ClipArt.com, Liam’s Pictures from Old Books, and the Historic Tale Construction Kit by Björn Karnebogen.
Thanks to: Phil Anderson, Steve Ovenell, Sven Lugar, Max Brémond, Magnus Olofsson
Play Testers: David Zeeman, Matt Morich, Sven Lugar, Steve Fontaine, Adam Hubbard, Zev Trubowitch, Suzanne Courteau, Ben Quant, Alain Zijlstra, Jon Millward, John ‘Mog’ Spashett, Michael Vallely, Isaac Hee, Chris Boyce, Chip Hardeman, Ryan Vodden, Malcolm Wolter, Tish Wolter
Also: the Continuum, Tentacles and Chimeriades convention players
New version designations are editions that include corrections or additions:
Book of the Battle, 2nd Ed. v1.0
Book of the Battle, 2nd Ed. v1.1.