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View Full Version : [BoE] Settlement Populations Distribution

06-12-2013, 07:12 PM
Here's a quick, dirty way to apportion population amongst your settlements.

Book of the Manor indicates 100 people/hamlet=1 libram.

Figure out how much of the income is from manorial/agrarian sources and divvy up accordingly. So an estate (income: 50) with 30 libram from these sources would require 3,000 people (600 families). So I can divvy up that number as follows:

5 villages (250 families)
1 Town (100 families)
8 Hamlets (120 families)
Remaining population is assorted clusters, journeymen, traveling salesfolk.

You can fudge the agrarian percentage as appropriate to your estate (25%, 70%, 90%). Also, since an estate-holder has a varying chunk of income from the land than a manor-holder, you can fudge the equation to have more/less population.