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View Full Version : Horse traits revisited

07-07-2015, 02:30 PM
Original thread: http://nocturnal-media.com/forum/index.php?topic=1898.msg14932#msg14932
Thanks to Morningkiller for the orginal traits.

I've been thinking about how to make the horse a more integral part of the Knights life. In my last campaign, I went on and on about how important the horse was. But in game, they always tended to be nothing more than a useful car. They had no name, no personality or character. I remembered an old thread in the forums and dug it up.

I like the traits as they are, but figured they need a bit of reordering and rebalance. As another poster noted, some of this traits would usually get a horse killed. My idea is to expand the traits from 1-30, and add modifiers.

The basics:
1-5: Very bad traits. These traits would normally get a horse slaughtered. But times might be desperate. These trait makes a horse dangerous to use in combat.
5-10: Bad traits. These are cumbersome traits to have in a horse. And could lower the price of the horse. But they can still be used most of the time.
11-13: Normal traits. A few interesting traits, neither too good or too bad.
14-17: No traits. Just a regular horse.
18-20: Normal traits. A few interesting traits, neither too good or too bad.
21-25: Good traits. These are traits that make a horse more useful than normally. And could increase the price of the horse by quite a lot.
26-30: Very good traits. These traits make the horse spectacular and the envy of other knights. These are the horses of kings and heroes.

-15 to trait roll - Cursed breed. No breed this bad survives for long.
-10 to trait roll - Bad breed. These horses would sell for a fraction of a price. Only a desperate knight would buy a horse from this breed.
-5 to trait roll - Cheap breed. These horses would sell for maybe half the price. Only a poor knight would buy this horse.
0 to trait roll - Common breed. These horses is not a fitting for a knight, only if times are bad would a knight risk buying this horse.
+5 to trait roll - Noble breed. This is the common roll for a warhorse of a knight. The horse COULD have bad or good traits. but never the very good or very bad.
+10 to trait roll - Lords breed. This is the breed for lords and barons. This makes the horse very expensive. But they can never have bad traits.
+15 to trait roll - Royal breed. This is a spectacular breed indeed, usually only kings or rich counts could affords these horses. They have a high probability of good traits.
+20 to trait roll - Magical horse. These are the horses of faerie or legend. They cannot be bought. They only have good traits.

Traits: (I'm missing a few here! Any input wanted)
01 Biter (The horse has a nasty temperament and likes to take chunks out of unsuspecting bystanders.)
02 Kicker (Walking behind this dead-eyed brute is a bad idea as he loves to kick out.)
03 Lazy (This horse does not like to move.)
04 Rears(In stressful situations this horse is prone to rearing up in a threatening display.)
05 Stomper (This beast takes perverse joy in stomping on feet and crushing toes.)
06 Bone-jarring (Whatever jangling way this ungainly beast moves it is uncomfortable and tiring for its rider.)
07 Headstrong (This horse knows where it wants to go. )
08 Gentle (This noble horse is a kind soul.)
09 Escape artist (No stable built by man can hold this horse.)
10 Easily distracted (Look, squirrel!)
11 Normal trait
12 Normal trait
13 Normal trait
18 Normal trait
19 Normal trait
20 Normal trait
21 Stable (Even at a gallop this horse keeps things steady.)
22 Fleet (This horse is quick as the wind.)
23 Agile (This horse takes its lead from agile coursers, and knows how to get through vegetation and terrain.)
24 Sure-Footed (This horse takes its lead from nimble hill ponies, and knows how to uneven ground.)
25 Leaper (This horse loves to jump and has an amazing spring.)
26 Strong (This horse is a wall of muscle.)
27 Robust (This horse is tough and fit.)
28 Intelligent (This horse is clever and knows one ore more tricks.)
29 Fearless (This horse would ride into hell.)
30 Gift of Epona (This magical horse might be a gift directly from Epona. Choose a trait from above or come up with a unique trait with the GM)

07-07-2015, 02:36 PM
Suggestions for normal traits:
Thick skin: +1 armor on horse?
Curious: Horse tends to find odd things (horse can roll awareness)
Long-lived: +X on horse survival
Obedient: +1 Horsemanship?

Greg Stafford
07-07-2015, 09:09 PM
Nice table.
One side note: the Middle Ages didn't recognize "breeds," per se.
Horses were classified according to their use.
So my only other comment is to change "breed" to "horse."

07-19-2015, 01:36 AM
Dragon Magazine #191 (March 1993)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&u act=8&ved=0CCkQFjACahUKEwjrw6Kx-OXGAhXHl4gKHTpCAV8&url=http%3A%2F%2Fannarchive.com %2Ffiles%2FDrmg191.pdf&ei=k--qVauuL8evogS6hIX4BQ&usg=AFQjCNGzEipED9BGA9egveEtpi wDlAr4Cw&sig2=HRHOfP9ID0tNaQWvP5S2ng&bvm=bv.981970 61,d.aWw

Had a nice long article about horses, including a number of details regarding appearance and "special traits" which I believe would tie into your list quite well.

If nothing else, it is an interesting bit of info.