WW17810-GC Gamemaster Characters

WW17810-GC Gamemaster Characters pdf cover 2006
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Author: Greg Stafford

Editor: Scott Holden

Graphic Design: Aileen Miles

Character Art: John Bridges

Project Manager: Stewart Wieck

Additional Critical Assistance From Matt Morich, Cam Banks

Stat Checking By Matt Morich, Cam Banks

60 pages

Published 2006


In this document are statistics for many of the famous characters known to Arthurian legend, listed by Period. The more important individuals are treated multiple times to represent the different stages in their lives, so that Arthur and Guenever appear four different times each, Lancelot and Mordred three each, Gawaine twice, and so on. Others are given in the Period in which they are most important, so that the three Grail Knights appear only during the Grailquest Period.


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